Friday, March 18, 2011

(In)accessibility (grrr) and mudslides

|I went for a 1.2 km walk to the LCBO for 2 mudslides.  Gerry always gets or brings a beer or 2 when we go away. I always get something too. For years it was coolers, but ever since the cruises when I discovered mudslides that look like this:

( copyright eatnabout,

Mudslides are now my drink of choice.  Yummy!  But I have to buy bottled "Mudshakes".  Certainly the mudslides served by a bartender are much better than a bottled one.  I'm not complaining though.  :)  Only 1 per evening.  So I have one for tomorrow too.

Gerry and I are not doing anything together tonight. We got back to the hotel after dinner and he CRASHED!  We are going shopping tomorrow for some food, clothes, household things, maybe a new purse for me too if I find one I love.

So I went for a stroll in Niagara Falls tonight in the Clifton Hill area.  Google Maps and I are not seeing eye to eye, but I would guess it was 1-1.5 kms.

The hotel we are at is a 3-storey hotel and has no elevators or rams or anything!  Good thing we are on the ground floor!  I can't even get to the office/front desk.  There are many stairs from outside to the front desk inside.  First time I have really experienced a lack of accessibility.  What if I was a person in a wheelchair who could absolutely not do stairs and travelling alone???  If I have to, I can.  But Gerry is with me and I didn't have to do the stairs.  But some people, like my friend, B, just can't!  I am mad!!

What I have eaten today:
late Breakfast
1 bowl Oatmeal Crisp

late Lunch
1 toasted ham and cheese sandwich with mayo
plus 1 of the smallest bag of chips you have ever seen!   I put the bag beside a credit card on my walker seat so you could see how small it is.

late Dinner out
half a salad with dressing on the side, salmon, mashed , potato

3 cups of coffee with flavoured creamer
1 bottled mudshake

NO chocolate

except for the fudge sundae that I bought at Applebee's take-out on my stroll in Niagara Falls' Clifton Hill area.

Leg extensions-At least 2 sets per day, 10 reps each legBridges-At least 2 sets per day, 5 reps
Plank or V-sit-At least 2 sets per day, 5 reps
1-10:18 am-plank


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