We picked up Traci last night. :) She was disappointed that Gerry chose to stay in the "cell-phone lot" to wait for my call so as not to incur parking charges. Trina was not there either as she is at the leadership conference at McMaster this weekend. I tried my best to make her homecoming special. We did stop at McDonald's on the way home and her stomach tolerated it OK. They had had burgers one day on an excursion so they were not totally removed from junky greasy food for two weeks. :)
Traci and I talked all the way home and until 1 am! Sweet time together! It is now 3 pm on Saturday and she is still sleeping. She did get up to eat something and post 200 pics to Facebook, and then she went back to bed. :)
She is definitely calling this trip an extraordinary trip of lifetime. It is very evident by the pictures and descriptions of sob fests and the goodbyes at the airport that this group became very tight knit over the course of the 2 weeks, with each other, with their translator, Esteban, and with the kids in their community. Traci is talking about another trip. We will see what \God has planned for her.
I am so proud of her for going and for stepping so radically out of her comfort zone! Serving others here at home is one thing, serving others in a central American country with different food, so-so water, exposing yourself to scorpions, mosquito net-equipped sleeping arrangements, hardly any power, no ipod or phone. I am so proud of her!! I realized I had told that to many people but I had not told her. So I did today: tears running down my face and a big hug!!
I went to a fundraising brunch this morning. My friend and her husband work for the Navigators of Canada and have a Celebrate Recovery Canada ministry. (Freedom from your hurts, hang-ups and habits through Christ’s power). They are doing great work for the Kingdom! I made a small contribution. I was honoured to be invited and to be there!
I only walked 550m today on my way home from the hotel where the brunch was. But it was slightly uphill and in misting rain. That was enough! :)
What I have eaten today:
brunch-scrambled eggs, yogurt, bacon, sausage, coffee
no lunch
pepperoni pizza
later meal
1 smoothie with frozen fruit, yogurt, milk, 1 egg, bananas and strawberries
3 cups of coffee with flavoured creamer
some chocolate
My exercise routine. Each set includes:
Leg extensions-10 reps each leg
Bridges-5 reps
Plank or V-sit-15 seconds
1st set-8:52 pm-v-sit
2nd set-10:56 pm-plank
2 weeks ago
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