I am doing OK with the walker. Sometimes I forget and just walk down the hall or into the kitchen without it.
I am looking forward to tomorrow! Traci and I are going to IKEA. It will be my first time out of the house with the walker, let alone the fact that I LOVE IKEA! Then we are going to friend's house for dinner. Then to church on Sunday. 3 trips in 2 days out of the house with lots of people around to help.
My next steps will be going on the bus a couple of times with someone with me. Then by myself on the bus.
The cleaner came for the first time today. Having someone else clean your house is humbling! Her name is Debbie and I really like her! We chatted and she seemed like a friend very quickly. And my kitchen and bathroom have not looked so good in...maybe ever!!
What I have eaten today:
1 smoothie with frozen fruit, yogurt, milk, 1 egg, bananas and strawberries
Can I call a 4 pm snack of yogurt and cucumber lunch? (Traci and Steve were here and the cleaner was here over lunch time and I sort of forgot. And I didn't want to get in the way of the cleaner in the kitchen.
1/4 box Vegetable Thins crackers :(
1 bowl Heavenly Hash ice cream :(
3 cups of coffee with flavoured creamer
NO chocolate
At least 2 sets, 10 reps each leg of hip extensions
1-8:02 am
2- 2:23 pm
3- 8:08 pm
2 weeks ago
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