Sometimes I find that if I write things down, I can process them better. So I decided to create a blog. I am still sorting out in my mind how public I want this blog to be, or how much personal information I will reveal here. But I absolutely want to be real and honest!
My name is Lisa and I am a 40 something Canadian married mother of 2 teenage daughters. I am a Christian, my husband is not. My daughters are not Christians yet but they both love God and I pray that they will make that personal decision for themselves to follow Jesus. My older daughter is taking steps to that end right now. She is studying the Bible and learning more and more everyday about God. My younger daughter is not quite there yet.
I suffer from a genetic condition that causes me problems with my balance, speech, fatigue levels, sight among other things. I also have epilepsy. I am currently on disability. I work casual part-time when I can get it for a friend.
I have had my share, maybe more than my fair share, of issues and "stuff" in my life. I am just now learning how much this has all affected me, and all my relationships, especially those with my husband and my daughters.
That is me in a nutshell. :) I am definitely a work in progress and I am so thankful for God being so patient with me as I grow and change into what He envisions for my life!
1 day ago